• Incest research, Julie BAFFIER - CALICIURI, Margot REBOULIN

  • Representing the singularity of people with an « intellectual disability »: theatrical creation as a tool for recognizing all intelligences ?, Céline BEIGBEDER

  • "un deux un deux" sound writing for unusual enunciations, Léna BURGER

  • Les Moëres Marsh, pylon and algorithms Research for a new form of cartographic narratives and imaginaries in documentary practice, Olivier BURLET

  • Reversal(s) Laboratory : Toward a Lesbian Theater ?, Madeleine CAMUS, Marthe DEGAILLE, Caroline GODART, Anaïs MORAY

  • support scriptures, Florence CHEVAL

  • International adoption: Who adoptes whom? a quest for love and justice ! An artistic research through the experience of a transracial and transnational adoptee laundered, Lucile Saada CHOQUET

  • How to build an imaginary of the abyss beyond extractivism ? Hear other stories, learn about the abyss and try to escape the colonial narrative, Helene COLLIN

  • Minor narratives, collective female practices, Raffaella CRISPINO

  • Écritures Théâtrales Coloniales, recherche du '' jeu colonial '', Karim DAHER

  • The basso continuo on the cello in the Eighteenth Century: research Culturally Informed Performance. Practices into its implications today, Hervé DOUCHY, Valentin BAJOU, Pierre BEAUBATIE, Marc VANSCHEEUWIJCK

  • Hearing room: Ghosts of the African Democratic Assembly An exploration of the forms of historical narrative based on the archives of the trial of R.D.A. militants between 1948-1951, Ayoh Kré DUCHÂTELET 

  • The Rite Of Spring (working title), Katya EV

  • Interphases, Interfaces, Charlotte GIGAN, Martin DUCHÊNE, Nicolas KLIMIS

  • Atmospheric affinities: learning to feel through lichens, Bruno GOOSSE

  • The Art as a prototype of critical action within the Fossil Crescent, Sébastien LACOMBLEZ , Sébastien BISET, Claire DAOUDI

  • On improvising baroque Italian Fantasia on a melodic instrument ; a creative and historically inspired, Benoît LAURENT

  • The rage that runs through our memories, Chloe MALCOTTI

  • Model species, companion species: body to body shifts in experimental laboratory practices, Elsa MAURY

  • Sambre Towards Legal Recognition of the River?, Olivier PESTIAUX, Xavier ISTASSE, Julien POIDEVIN, Gilles SAUSSIER

  • A House Divided. An Alternative History of Pan-Arabism (working title), Yasmina Reggad

  • Research on ceramics as a tool for cultivating mycelium textiles, Pedro RIOFRIO, Ugo DANHIER, Anouk LEWKOWICZ, Corentin VAN MULLENDER

  • Jacked-in: alternative design languages for consumer electronics, Eric SCHRIJVER

  • Spatial archetypes in sound, Giulia VISMARA







The Ecole doctorale en Art et Sciences de l’Art organizes activities to support the doctorate in Art and Art Sciences.
The doctorate in art and sciences of art consists of a practical part, an artistic achievement or a work of restoration of a work or several works, and of a theoretical part, a written thesis, both being in close connection, forming a whole, which is as such the object of the final evaluation.

In all cases, aspects of artistic and theoretical research are carried out jointly in an interaction between artistic work and theoretical reflection. This dual aspect of the doctorate in art and art sciences makes it necessary to collaborate between universities and colleges of the arts in supporting doctoral students in this field. This collaboration is reflected in the training activities offered.

On going

Another Less Obvious, Marion Bocquet-Appel (ULB - ENSAV-La Cambre)

Constellation of spatial imaginaries: rethinking our links to Space and the Earth thought the study of alternative narratives of the Cosmos, Louise Charlier (ULB - ENSAV-La Cambre)

How to make the oral archive a work of art ? Performing (with) recorded voices, Alexandra Lecuiller (ULB - ENSAV-La Cambre)

The Serial Production of Artworks, Hadrien Loumaye (ULB - ENSAV-La Cambre)


Une étude anthropologique et muséographique du Musée Bai Heliang en Chine, Yaozheng TAN (ULB - ARBA)

F(r)ictions radio-scéniques, Sébastien Schmitz (ULB - IAD)

Présentation du dispositif : Illusion d’une présence humaine sur une scène, Yvain Juillard (ULB - INSAS)

Grosseur et performance : pratiques transformatrices en Belgique francophone contemporaine, Camille Ronti (Études du cinéma et des arts du spectacle - ULB)

Quel rapport à la musique ? Analyse de procédés musico-littéraires à partir de la seconde moitié du XXe (Beckett, Tardieu, Reich, Rebotier), Lorraine Peschi (Études du cinéma et des arts du spectacle - UCL)

“I call that modulation very gentlemanlike” : les préludes-transitions dans l’interprétation de Romances sans paroles de Felix Mendelssohn, Xiao Dong (ULB - CRMB)

La Tranche. Entre figures du corps et littéralité de l'œuvre, une interrogatioon sur les limites "anatomiques" dans les pratiques artistiques, Léa Falguère, (ULB - ARBA)

Les illustrations du traité anatomique persan Tašrīḥ-i Manṣūrī : Entre la lisibilité et la visibilité, Nikoo Nateghian (ULB - ARBA)

Objet-voile et interactions situa)onnelles dans les pratiques plastiques contemporaines des artistes maghrébines et moyen-orientales, Fatma RESSAISSI, (ULB - ARTS2)

Ce que les mains font savoir quand les mots deviennent matière, Athanasia Vidali Soula, (ULg - ARBA Liège)

Co-création et handicap mental. La théorie et la pratique doivent-elles s’entendre ?, Marie Bonnarme (ULg - ESACT Liège)


Moshta : en quête d’iranité. Origines, cheminement et création, Talheh Daryanavard (ULB-INSAS)


Chicken Scribbles and the Dove that Looks like a Frog. An exploration of visual and verbal expressions in relation to dislocation and trauma in the political context of the Levantine Arab region, Samah Hijawi, (ULB-ARBA)

Hybridité rhizomique documentaire. Procès Mbako Anioto Homme Léopard, Jean-Michel Kibushi Ndjate Wooto, (ULB-ENSAV-La Cambre)


Different modes of disseminating the artwork: the improbable as a generator of meaning in contemporary art, Guillaume CLERMONT